Enzymes used for Bird of Prey (BoP)
We are proud to be working with New England Biolabs (NEB) to provide OspreyBio customers a discounted rate on a pack of ten enzymes that will be ready for purchase on their site in early 2024. In the meantime, below are the ten enzymes required to fully unlock the power of Bird of Prey and your CloneCards. For a more detailed tutorial, please go to our Bird of Prey Academy Page.
While we recommend purchasing all enzymes at first, some will likely be used more than others depending on what you want to achieve.
Below, we describe the use of each enzyme as well as provide a link to NEB's site for each by clicking on the names.
These two enzymes are exclusively used in our IRES shuttle vectors - see Bird of Prey in the Academy for details.
EcoRV - PacI
EcoRV - PacI