Elements of a Bird of Prey Gene:

E Domain | Effector (E) DomainA domain within OspreyBio transcription units containing an effector, which is a bioactive RNA (bioRNA) or a Protein (encoded by an Open Reading Frame (ORF) that can exert an “Effect” on a biological system.
Effector LinkerAn element within the effector domain of OspreyBio vectors that maintains the ability to add additional effectors within the transcription unit using an IRES shuttle.
P Domain | Transcription Processor | Transcription Processing (P) DomainA downstream domain within OspreyBio transcription units that contains elements that control where the TU’s effector is expressed.
R Domain | Transcription Regulator | Transcription Regulator (R) DomainAn upstream domain within OspreyBio transcription units that contains elements that control where the TU’s effector is expressed.
Transcription Unit (TU)A segment of DNA used to produce a single RNA molecule; all OspreyBio TU’s contain a transcription regulator (R) domain, an effector (E) domain containing a green fluorescent protein, and a transcription processing (P) domain.
Transcription Unit Linker (TUL)A domain within OspreyBio vectors that maintains the ability to add additional transcription units within a single vector.

Enzymes and Uses:

AgeI | 3' Flank of PThe enzyme at which editors can isolate the transcription unit from the transcription unit linker or in a P domain modification event.
AseI | The “Linearizer”The enzyme at which Bird of Prey vectors can be cut for linearization to make identification of a long transcription unit in a gel easier.
KasI | 5' Flank of P/3' Flank of EL & E DomainUsed to move the entire Effector domain in either Mono-Effectors or Multi-Effectors.
NotI | 3' Flank of TULUsed to release a mono-transcription unit or multi-transcription unit from the vector backbone, or when linking multiple transcription units (XhoI/NotI).
PvuI | 5' Flank of E/3' Flank of RUsed when subcloning an Effector in to the 3' domain of an IRES shuttle vector; compatible cohesive end with PacI in the 5' flank of the IRES GFP.
SalI | 5' Flank of RUsed to release an entire transcription unit from the vector backbone or when adding a second transcription unit by subvloningSalI into the primary transcription unit linker’s XhoI; compatible cohesive end with XhoI.
ScaI | 5' Flank of ELAllows for the insertion of bioRNA and IRES/ORF combinations; used when subcloning an Effector into the 5' domain of an IRES shuttle vector; compatible cohesive end with EcoRV in the 3' flank of the IRES RFP.
XhoI | 5' Flank of TULUsed to open the transcription unit linker to insert a monogene or multigene into the transcription unit linker at XhoI/NotI; a compatible cohesive end with SalI.